Job Posting

Job Opening Information Department Chair for Guidance

Job Number
Application Deadline
Position Start Date

Position Title
Department Chair for Guidance
Required Application Type
Teacher / Admin
Salary/Pay Scale
Per Contract - $83,000
Job Description

The Binghamton City School District is seeking candidates to fill the Department Chair for Guidance position for the 2025-2026 school year.

The BCSD offers competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits, professional development, and mentor support.


Position:  Department Chair for Guidance


  • Certified in New York State as a School District Administrator or School Building Leader and School District Leader


Functions, Duties, and Responsibilities:

  • Develop and coordinate educational programs through meetings with staff, review of teachers' activities, and issuance of directives; Evaluate to ensure conformance to state and school board standards;
  • Research and implement 6 through 12 curriculum resources to meet district and state standards; Maintain high levels of quality assurance, including course evaluation and course approval procedures; Contribute to policy and planning around curriculum decisions;
  • Supervise School Counselors as assigned by building Principals and Directors; Confer with administrators, teachers, students, and parents concerning educational problems in school; Provide assistance to substitute teachers.
  • Requisition and allocate supplies, equipment, and instructional material as needed;
  • Direct preparation of class schedules, cumulative records, and attendance reports;
  • Establish and maintain relationships with colleges, community organizations, and across schools to coordinate instructional programming; serve as liaison with other administrative staff, academic colleagues and students; serve as liaison with partner institutions, other institutions, external agencies, government departments and prospective students.
  • Recommendation and approval of students for placement in the available subject levels in cooperation with the staff and the guidance counselors.
  • Process requests of materials and instructional aides to be forwarded to the Department Chair and if appropriate, principal and related director.
  • Participate with building based and/or District Professional Learning Teams.
  • Regularly schedule meetings with the principals or the director for review of recommendations, staff and curriculum considerations, and other agenda topics.
  • Provide ongoing, targeted professional learning as needed for staff
  • The Department Chair will spend up to 40 % of their time providing ongoing coaching which includes modeling and co-teaching around best instructional practice across content areas and/or buildings
  • The Department Chair will substitute in given department as needed up to 10 (ten) periods per week
  • The Department Chair will provide any combination of coaching and substituting up to 40% of the time
  • The Department Chair may be assigned other administrative duties as they relate to the position as described, under the direction of the Superintendent or their designee.






Job Qualifications


  • Master’s degree
  • Certified in New York State as a School District Administrator or School Building Leader and School District Leader
  • Minimum of three years of experience teaching regular or special education
  • Knowledge of research and practices related to effective teaching and curriculum development practices
  • Understanding of scientifically based-research
  • Leadership experience, organizational skills, and communication abilities to effectively coach and support teachers and their instructional teams
Job Category
Job Location
Binghamton HS

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